City Precinct
Two animated floating phones.

City Precinct

Two animated floating phones.


App downloads


Scavenger hunt campaigns

Native app development, in-app rewards, vouchers, QR codes, augmented reality, geo-mapping, scavenger hunt, digital collectables, online and in-store redemption.

The challenge

In conjunction with the City of Melbourne, City Precinct wanted to empower its small business partners with an interactive app experience typically reserved for larger enterprises seeking to boost revenue and community involvement in Melbourne.

The solution

XRii crafted a tailored City Precinct app, enabling local businesses to distribute rewards and vouchers to users and driving foot traffic directly to their establishments. The app also featured an AR collectible within an interactive scavenger hunt, enhancing engagement and fostering community connections.

The challenge

In conjunction with the City of Melbourne, City Precinct wanted to empower its small business partners with an interactive app experience typically reserved for larger enterprises seeking to boost revenue and community involvement in Melbourne.

The solution

XRii crafted a tailored City Precinct app, enabling local businesses to distribute rewards and vouchers to users and driving foot traffic directly to their establishments. The app also featured an AR collectible within an interactive scavenger hunt, enhancing engagement and fostering community connections.

Native app development, in-app rewards, vouchers, QR codes, augmented reality, geo-mapping, scavenger hunt, digital collectables, online and in-store redemption.
A screenshot of a phone.
A black square with yellow text.
A screenshot of a cell phone.
A group of black flyers with yellow text.
No items found.

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